RAMP 2024 is over! Thank you for OVER THREE HUNDRED maps!

How RAMP works

RAMP is a project built by everyone who chooses to contribute! Everyone's submitted WADs will be compiled into a GZDoom game based around a hub level, and the player will be able to more or less choose to complete the maps in any order. In each map, the player will start with only the pistol, so don't rely on the player carrying weapons or ammunition from previous maps.

Mapping guidelines


RAMP will run on DOOM2.WAD in GZDoom. Textures from the resource packs 32in24 and OTEX_1.1.WAD are included in the project, so you don't need to do anything special if you want to use those - you can download a resource pack containing both of them in the starter pack (or here for just the resources PK3).

Custom content is also supported, as long as you don't overwrite any of the default DOOM2 lumps or make changes that affect the entire game (such as DEHACKED). If you'd like to include anything, see the Custom Content section below.

How to submit

Use the Upload page on this site! Submit a WAD containing a single map of any Doom format, and the site backend will incorporate the map into the complete project so far. You can download a snapshot version after uploading to compile the project including your latest changes - check the console icon next to your map in the Download page to see a report on what the compiler included.

You can submit changes to your map by going to the upload page and using the PIN that you'll be given the first time you upload. If you've lost it, the project owner can retrieve it.

Details on custom content

If you want to include custom Things (game objects), be aware of the DoomEd numbers you're using - each unique type of object in a Doom WAD needs to have a unique number, and this list is global across all maps. Check the Build Info page to have a look at the current list of DoomEd numbers that are occupied, and choose a range of numbers that won't interfere with others. The recommended formula is to use [(your map number) * 100] as a starting point, but this won't be possible for all maps due to the numbers of existing Doom objects.

When you upload your WAD through this site, the uploader will recognize and include:

If you need more custom content, contact DavidN on the Discord to get it into the project.