RAMP 2024 is over! Thank you for OVER THREE HUNDRED maps!


July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 📦 MAP39: Reading source WAD (Pain) 📦 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 PWAD with 429 lumps, and directory at 13905512 MAPINFO mapinfo 12 406 ZSCRIPT zscript 418 12321 DECORATE decorate 12739 5201 GLDEFS gldefs 17940 4339 DECALDEF unknown 22279 310 MAP01 mapmarker 22589 0 TEXTMAP mapdata 22589 1182809 BEHAVIOR mapdata 1205398 7000 ZNODES mapdata 1212398 251222 SCRIPTS mapdata 1463620 17186 ENDMAP mapdata 1480806 0 SNDINFO sndinfo 1480806 1528 ZAGREUS unknown 1482334 363866 LORBGET unknown 1846200 395910 LORBFIRE unknown 2242110 480056 HBEATAW unknown 2722166 61862 DSSATSIT flac 2784028 7670 DSSATDTH flac 2791698 6974 JADEFIRE unknown 2798672 8514 JADEHIT unknown 2807186 17788 DSTAFCHR ogg 2824974 5280 DSTAFIMP ogg 2830254 8944 DSTAFRIP ogg 2839198 5768 WEMBOPEN ogg 2844966 7069 WEMBFIRE ogg 2852035 9592 WEMBHIT1 ogg 2861627 5808 DSDVLACT ogg 2867435 8884 DSDVLDT1 ogg 2876319 11082 DSDVLDT2 ogg 2887401 8615 DSDVLPAI ogg 2896016 8411 DSDVLSI1 ogg 2904427 11771 DSDVLSI2 ogg 2916198 10384 DSJUGDI1 ogg 2926582 9720 DSJUGDI2 ogg 2936302 9764 DSJUGDI3 ogg 2946066 10040 DSJUGDI4 ogg 2956106 9186 DSJUGDI5 ogg 2965292 10069 DSJUGPN1 ogg 2975361 5615 DSJUGPN2 ogg 2980976 6193 DSJUGPN3 ogg 2987169 6429 DSJUGPN4 ogg 2993598 6822 DSJUGPN5 ogg 3000420 7351 DSJUGPN6 ogg 3007771 6991 DSJUGATK ogg 3014762 4287 DSJUGSEE ogg 3019049 13169 DSJUGSTP ogg 3032218 4982 DSJUGTHD ogg 3037200 6083 DSJUGHIT ogg 3043283 4354 WIZ2SIT ogg 3047637 60394 WIZ2ACT ogg 3108031 54667 WIZ2ATK ogg 3162698 56776 WIZ2DTH ogg 3219474 48055 WIZ2PAI ogg 3267529 58875 SORRISE ogg 3326404 9185 AODSCRM ogg 3335589 7041 DSFREXP ogg 3342630 8408 DSHELLX2 ogg 3351038 8412 SS_START marker 3359450 0 LORBA0 unknown 3359450 636 LORBB0 unknown 3360086 636 LORBC0 unknown 3360722 636 LORBD0 image 3361358 10722 LORBE0 image 3372080 10639 LORBF0 image 3382719 10975 LORBG0 image 3393694 10986 LORBH0 image 3404680 10052 BON5A0 unknown 3414732 292 BON5B0 unknown 3415024 292 BON5C0 unknown 3415316 292 BON5D0 unknown 3415608 292 BONEI0 image 3415900 1300 BONEJ0 image 3417200 1322 BONEK0 image 3418522 1421 BONEL0 image 3419943 1438 BONEM0 image 3421381 1361 BONEN0 image 3422742 1272 BONEO0 image 3424014 1245 IDEXA0 image 3425259 994 IDEXB0 image 3426253 1412 JADEA0 image 3427665 6618 JADEB0 image 3434283 8527 JADEC0 image 3442810 721 JADED0 image 3443531 1703 JADEE0 image 3445234 1828 JADEF0 image 3447062 1779 JADEG0 image 3448841 1736 JADEH0 image 3450577 1646 JADEI0 image 3452223 1365 WEMBA0 image 3453588 1286 WEMBB0 image 3454874 2761 WEMBC0 image 3457635 2817 WEMBD0 image 3460452 2860 WEMBE0 image 3463312 3051 WEMBF0 image 3466363 3056 WEMBG0 image 3469419 3113 WEMPA0 image 3472532 1240 WEMPB0 image 3473772 1234 WEMPC0 image 3475006 1349 WEMPD0 image 3476355 1362 WEMPE0 image 3477717 1301 WEMPF0 image 3479018 1264 WEMPG0 image 3480282 1220 WEMPH0 image 3481502 1216 WEMPI0 image 3482718 1215 WEMPJ0 image 3483933 1205 DSTFA0 image 3485138 330 DSPSA0 image 3485468 1578 DSPSB0 image 3487046 1965 DSPSC0 image 3489011 2035 DSPSD0 image 3491046 2114 DSPSE0 image 3493160 2347 DSPSF0 image 3495507 3022 DSPSG0 image 3498529 3051 DSPSH0 image 3501580 2691 DSPSI0 image 3504271 2208 DSPSJ0 image 3506479 1954 DFX1K0 image 3508433 243 DFX1L0 image 3508676 230 DFX1M0 image 3508906 452 DFX1N0 image 3509358 559 DFX1O0 image 3509917 619 DFX1P0 image 3510536 692 DFX1Q0 image 3511228 607 DFX1R0 image 3511835 423 DFX1S0 image 3512258 298 STYRR5 image 3512556 898 STYRA1 image 3513454 1179 STYRA2A8 image 3514633 1084 STYRA3A7 image 3515717 1155 STYRA4A6 image 3516872 1035 STYRA5 image 3517907 1123 STYRB1 image 3519030 1264 STYRB2B8 image 3520294 1182 STYRB3B7 image 3521476 1007 STYRB4B6 image 3522483 994 STYRB5 image 3523477 1135 STYRC1 image 3524612 1143 STYRC2C8 image 3525755 1180 STYRC3C7 image 3526935 1080 STYRC4C6 image 3528015 993 STYRC5 image 3529008 1114 STYRD1 image 3530122 1242 STYRD2D8 image 3531364 1200 STYRD3D7 image 3532564 1003 STYRD4D6 image 3533567 953 STYRD5 image 3534520 1138 STYRE1 image 3535658 1251 STYRE2P8 image 3536909 1000 STYRE3P7 image 3537909 1066 STYRE4P6 image 3538975 1128 STYRE5 image 3540103 1102 STYRF1 image 3541205 1284 STYRF2Q8 image 3542489 1122 STYRF3Q7 image 3543611 934 STYRF4Q6 image 3544545 985 STYRF5 image 3545530 1096 STYRG1 image 3546626 1100 STYRG2R8 image 3547726 1230 STYRG3R7 image 3548956 1069 STYRG4R6 image 3550025 885 STYRG5 image 3550910 914 STYRH1 image 3551824 1237 STYRH2H8 image 3553061 1240 STYRH3H7 image 3554301 1110 STYRH4H6 image 3555411 1032 STYRH5 image 3556443 1065 STYRI0 image 3557508 1252 STYRJ0 image 3558760 1208 STYRK0 image 3559968 1067 STYRL0 image 3561035 842 STYRM0 image 3561877 847 STYRN0 image 3562724 741 STYRO0 image 3563465 682 STYRP1 image 3564147 1248 STYRP2E8 image 3565395 1307 STYRP3E7 image 3566702 1052 STYRP4E6 image 3567754 897 STYRP5 image 3568651 1103 STYRQ1 image 3569754 1279 STYRQ2F8 image 3571033 1125 STYRQ3F7 image 3572158 950 STYRQ4F6 image 3573108 1038 STYRQ5 image 3574146 1110 STYRR1 image 3575256 1096 STYRR2G8 image 3576352 1000 STYRR3G7 image 3577352 922 STYRR4G6 image 3578274 1023 TRO2A1C1 image 3579297 2005 TRO2A2C8 image 3581302 1908 TRO2A3C7 image 3583210 1709 TRO2A4C6 image 3584919 1699 TRO2A5C5 image 3586618 1771 TRO2A6C4 image 3588389 1648 TRO2A7C3 image 3590037 1711 TRO2A8C2 image 3591748 2004 TRO2B1D1 image 3593752 1983 TRO2B2D8 image 3595735 1942 TRO2B3D7 image 3597677 1767 TRO2B4D6 image 3599444 1748 TRO2B5D5 image 3601192 1731 TRO2B6D4 image 3602923 1626 TRO2B7D3 image 3604549 1753 TRO2B8D2 image 3606302 1901 TRO2E1H1 image 3608203 2046 TRO2E2H8 image 3610249 1825 TRO2E3H7 image 3612074 1741 TRO2E4H6 image 3613815 1784 TRO2E5H5 image 3615599 1767 TRO2E6H4 image 3617366 1692 TRO2E7H3 image 3619058 1799 TRO2E8H2 image 3620857 1950 TRO2F1I1 image 3622807 2003 TRO2F2I8 image 3624810 1882 TRO2F3I7 image 3626692 1745 TRO2F4I6 image 3628437 1711 TRO2F5I5 image 3630148 1750 TRO2F6I4 image 3631898 1731 TRO2F7I3 image 3633629 1811 TRO2F8I2 image 3635440 1858 TRO2G1J1 image 3637298 1920 TRO2G2J8 image 3639218 2005 TRO2G3J7 image 3641223 1886 TRO2G4J6 image 3643109 1763 TRO2G5J5 image 3644872 1722 TRO2G6J4 image 3646594 1767 TRO2G7J3 image 3648361 1830 TRO2G8J2 image 3650191 1892 TRO2K1 image 3652083 1942 TRO2K2 image 3654025 1837 TRO2K3 image 3655862 1780 TRO2K4 image 3657642 1767 TRO2K5 image 3659409 1875 TRO2K6 image 3661284 1853 TRO2K7 image 3663137 1829 TRO2K8 image 3664966 1752 TRO2L0 image 3666718 2050 TRO2M0 image 3668768 2059 TRO2N0 image 3670827 1949 TRO2O0 image 3672776 1764 TRO2P0 image 3674540 1615 TRO2Q0 image 3676155 2292 TRO2R0 image 3678447 2459 TRO2S0 image 3680906 2476 TRO2T0 image 3683382 2364 TRO2U0 image 3685746 2106 TRO2V0 image 3687852 2004 TRO2W0 image 3689856 1825 TRO2X0 image 3691681 1682 JUGGA1 image 3693363 1956 JUGGA2A8 image 3695319 1760 JUGGA3A7 image 3697079 1892 JUGGA4A6 image 3698971 1745 JUGGA5 image 3700716 1792 JUGGB1 image 3702508 2102 JUGGB2B8 image 3704610 1846 JUGGB3B7 image 3706456 1408 JUGGB4B6 image 3707864 1582 JUGGB5 image 3709446 1945 JUGGC1 image 3711391 1926 JUGGC2C8 image 3713317 1947 JUGGC3C7 image 3715264 2041 JUGGC4C6 image 3717305 1733 JUGGC5 image 3719038 1806 JUGGD1 image 3720844 2124 JUGGD2D8 image 3722968 1826 JUGGD3D7 image 3724794 1429 JUGGD4D6 image 3726223 1715 JUGGD5 image 3727938 1866 JUGGE0 image 3729804 2154 JUGGF0 image 3731958 1870 JUGGG0 image 3733828 2200 JUGGH0 image 3736028 1999 JUGGI0 image 3738027 2369 JUGGJ0 image 3740396 2012 JUGGK0 image 3742408 2113 JUGGL0 image 3744521 2036 JUGGM0 image 3746557 1949 JUGGN0 image 3748506 1321 JUGGO0 image 3749827 1261 JUGGP0 image 3751088 1244 JUGGQ0 image 3752332 1290 APDPA1 image 3753622 5599 APDPA2A8 image 3759221 5208 APDPA3A7 image 3764429 4423 APDPA4A6 image 3768852 4924 APDPA5 image 3773776 4904 APDPB1 image 3778680 5609 APDPB2B8 image 3784289 5210 APDPB3B7 image 3789499 4423 APDPB4B6 image 3793922 4932 APDPB5 image 3798854 4892 APDPC1 image 3803746 6185 APDPC2C8 image 3809931 6166 APDPC3C7 image 3816097 5168 APDPC4C6 image 3821265 6009 APDPC5 image 3827274 5963 APDPD1 image 3833237 5515 APDPD2D8 image 3838752 5172 APDPD3D7 image 3843924 5163 APDPD4D6 image 3849087 5085 APDPD5 image 3854172 5072 APDPE1 image 3859244 5455 APDPE2E8 image 3864699 5035 APDPE3E7 image 3869734 4388 APDPE4E6 image 3874122 4625 APDPE5 image 3878747 4825 APDPF0 image 3883572 5707 APDPG0 image 3889279 6786 APDPH0 image 3896065 7286 APDPI0 image 3903351 6716 APDPJ0 image 3910067 5512 APDPK0 image 3915579 4828 APDPL0 image 3920407 4235 APDPM0 image 3924642 3635 PROJA1 image 3928277 1529 PROJA8A2 image 3929806 1725 PROJA7A3 image 3931531 1888 PROJA6A4 image 3933419 1918 PROJA5 image 3935337 1783 PROJB1 image 3937120 1530 PROJB8B2 image 3938650 1739 PROJB7B3 image 3940389 1897 PROJB6B4 image 3942286 1971 PROJB5 image 3944257 1763 PROJC1 image 3946020 1544 PROJC8C2 image 3947564 1723 PROJC7C3 image 3949287 1923 PROJC6C4 image 3951210 1905 PROJC5 image 3953115 1806 PROJD0 image 3954921 1701 PROJE0 image 3956622 1820 PROJF0 image 3958442 1783 PROJG0 image 3960225 1729 PROJH0 image 3961954 1622 PROJI0 image 3963576 1588 SS_END marker 3965164 0 DSPSBB image 3965164 487 DSPSCB image 3965651 651 DSPSDB image 3966302 742 DSPSEB image 3967044 1052 DSPSFB image 3968096 1677 DSPSGB image 3969773 1996 DSPSHB image 3971769 889 DSPSIB image 3972658 232 DSPSJB image 3972890 229 TRO2A1C1 image 3973119 164 TRO2A2C8 image 3973283 158 TRO2A3C7 image 3973441 142 TRO2A7C3 image 3973583 141 TRO2A8C2 image 3973724 158 TRO2B1D1 image 3973882 163 TRO2B2D8 image 3974045 157 TRO2B3D7 image 3974202 143 TRO2B7D3 image 3974345 143 TRO2B8D2 image 3974488 158 TRO2E1H1 image 3974646 166 TRO2E2H8 image 3974812 156 TRO2E3H7 image 3974968 142 TRO2E7H3 image 3975110 143 TRO2E8H2 image 3975253 159 TRO2F1I1 image 3975412 164 TRO2F2I8 image 3975576 159 TRO2F3I7 image 3975735 142 TRO2F7I3 image 3975877 144 TRO2F8I2 image 3976021 157 TRO2G1X1 image 3976178 162 TRO2G2X8 image 3976340 161 TRO2G3X7 image 3976501 145 TRO2G7X3 image 3976646 144 TRO2G8X2 image 3976790 160 TRO2H1 image 3976950 144 TRO2H2 image 3977094 144 TRO2H3 image 3977238 143 TRO2H7 image 3977381 144 TRO2H8 image 3977525 143 BMAPDPC1 image 3977668 1022 BMAPDPC2 image 3978690 1096 BMAPDPC3 image 3979786 986 BMAPDPC4 image 3980772 1098 BMAPDPC5 image 3981870 1116 BMAPDPD1 image 3982986 1028 BMAPDPD2 image 3984014 1024 BMAPDPD3 image 3985038 1004 BMAPDPD4 image 3986042 984 BMAPDPD5 image 3987026 950 BMAPDPE1 image 3987976 935 BMAPDPE2 image 3988911 941 BMAPDPE3 image 3989852 1001 BMAPDPF0 image 3990853 1107 BMAPDPG0 image 3991960 1605 BMAPDPH0 image 3993565 1620 BMAPDPI0 image 3995185 1876 BMAPDPJ0 image 3997061 1471 BMAPDPK0 image 3998532 1276 BMAPDPL0 image 3999808 1136 MS_START marker 4000944 0 PIG2 mp3 4000944 2563261 THUMP mp3 6564205 2065136 UNKNOWN mp3 8629341 1161141 USPACE mp3 9790482 3459467 MS_END marker 13249949 0 TX_START marker 13249949 0 7THSEAL image 13249949 22489 ARTINUM image 13272438 29117 BEKSINS1 image 13301555 36048 BEKSINS2 image 13337603 28783 CANDLE image 13366386 417 DAVIDN image 13366803 29615 DMBUNNY image 13396418 32944 FRIDGE image 13429362 5874 FUSELI image 13435236 31244 HUYS image 13466480 35587 MARTIN image 13502067 20974 BOSCH01 image 13523041 16137 BOSCH02 image 13539178 16076 BOSCH03 image 13555254 35878 BRUEGEL image 13591132 30339 DMTRAIN image 13621471 23954 GIOTTI image 13645425 38625 RAMPTCKT image 13684050 51526 RUBENS image 13735576 13103 SCRABBLE image 13748679 25468 SHEEKY1 image 13774147 22965 SHEEKY2 image 13797112 28418 SHEEKY3 image 13825530 26426 VANEYCK image 13851956 15275 VIGO image 13867231 22634 TX_END marker 13889865 0 RAMPSHOT image 13889865 15647 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Read map lump MAP01 with size 0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Read map lump TEXTMAP with size 1182809 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Read map lump BEHAVIOR with size 7000 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Read map lump ZNODES with size 251222 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Read map lump SCRIPTS with size 17186 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Read map lump ENDMAP with size 0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Finished reading map lumps July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🗺 Writing map WAD as /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3/maps/MAP39.WAD July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 1458325 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3/maps/MAP39.WAD July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔽 Found starting marker for sprites July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔼 Found ending marker for sprites July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔊 Found SNDINFO, attempting to parse it July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added dsparilstaff/charge to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added DSTAFCHR to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added dsparilstaff/fire to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added DSTAFRIP to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added dsparilshot/impact to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added DSTAFIMP to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added weapons/wandofembers/open to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added WEMBOPEN to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added weapons/wandofembers/fire to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added WEMBFIRE to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added weapons/wandofembers/hit1 to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added WEMBHIT1 to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added weapons/jadefire to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added JADEFIRE to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added weapons/jadehit to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added JADEHIT to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added satyr/sight to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added DSSATSIT to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added satyr/death to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added DSSATDTH to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added heartbeat to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added HBEATAW to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added lightorbpickup to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added LORBGET to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added lightorbfire to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added LORBFIRE to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added zagreusspeech to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added ZAGREUS to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added monster/dvlsi1 to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added DSDVLSI1 to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added monster/dvlsi2 to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added DSDVLSI2 to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added monster/dvldt1 to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added DSDVLDT1 to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added monster/dvldt2 to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added DSDVLDT2 to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added monster/dvlpai to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added DSDVLPAI to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added monster/dvlact to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added DSDVLACT to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added dsjugdi1 to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added DSJUGDI1 to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added dsjugdi2 to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added DSJUGDI2 to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added dsjugdi3 to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added DSJUGDI3 to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added dsjugdi4 to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added DSJUGDI4 to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added dsjugdi5 to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added DSJUGDI5 to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added dsjugpn1 to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added DSJUGPN1 to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added dsjugpn2 to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added DSJUGPN2 to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added dsjugpn3 to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added DSJUGPN3 to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added dsjugpn4 to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added DSJUGPN4 to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added dsjugpn5 to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added DSJUGPN5 to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added dsjugpn6 to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added DSJUGPN6 to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added juggernaut/thud to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added DSJUGTHD to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added juggernaut/attack to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added DSJUGATK to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added juggernaut/hit to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added DSJUGHIT to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added juggernaut/sight to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added DSJUGSEE to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added juggernaut/step to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added DSJUGSTP to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added aod/ghost to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added AODSCRM to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added wizard2/sight to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added WIZ2SIT to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added wizard2/attack to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added WIZ2ATK to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added wizard2/death to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added WIZ2DTH to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added wizard2/pain to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added WIZ2PAI to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added wizard2/active1 to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added WIZ2ACT to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added fireblast/explode to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added DSFREXP to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added superfireblast/explode to requested sound definitions July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Added DSHELLX2 to requested sound lump names July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ SNDINFO defines the sound satyr/sight, which is already defined but it matches the existing definition dssatsit July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ SNDINFO defines the sound satyr/death, which is already defined but it matches the existing definition dssatdth July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ SNDINFO defines the sound dsjugdi1, which is already defined but it matches the existing definition dsjugdi1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ SNDINFO defines the sound dsjugdi2, which is already defined but it matches the existing definition dsjugdi2 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ SNDINFO defines the sound dsjugdi3, which is already defined but it matches the existing definition dsjugdi3 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ SNDINFO defines the sound dsjugdi4, which is already defined but it matches the existing definition dsjugdi4 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ SNDINFO defines the sound dsjugdi5, which is already defined but it matches the existing definition dsjugdi5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ SNDINFO defines the sound dsjugpn1, which is already defined but it matches the existing definition dsjugpn1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ SNDINFO defines the sound dsjugpn2, which is already defined but it matches the existing definition dsjugpn2 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ SNDINFO defines the sound dsjugpn3, which is already defined but it matches the existing definition dsjugpn3 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ SNDINFO defines the sound dsjugpn4, which is already defined but it matches the existing definition dsjugpn4 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ SNDINFO defines the sound dsjugpn5, which is already defined but it matches the existing definition dsjugpn5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ SNDINFO defines the sound dsjugpn6, which is already defined but it matches the existing definition dsjugpn6 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ SNDINFO defines the sound juggernaut/thud, which is already defined but it matches the existing definition dsjugthd July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ SNDINFO defines the sound juggernaut/attack, which is already defined but it matches the existing definition dsjugatk July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ SNDINFO defines the sound juggernaut/hit, which is already defined but it matches the existing definition dsjughit July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ SNDINFO defines the sound juggernaut/sight, which is already defined but it matches the existing definition dsjugsee July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ SNDINFO defines the sound juggernaut/step, which is already defined but it matches the existing definition dsjugstp July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found ZAGREUS mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 363866 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/ZAGREUS July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found LORBGET mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 395910 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/LORBGET July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found LORBFIRE mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 480056 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/LORBFIRE July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found HBEATAW mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 61862 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/HBEATAW July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found DSSATSIT mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump dssatsit matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 7670 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/DSSATSIT July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found DSSATDTH mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump dssatdth matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 6974 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/DSSATDTH July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found JADEFIRE mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 8514 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/JADEFIRE July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found JADEHIT mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 17788 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/JADEHIT July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found DSTAFCHR mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 5280 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/DSTAFCHR July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found DSTAFIMP mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 8944 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/DSTAFIMP July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found DSTAFRIP mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 5768 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/DSTAFRIP July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found WEMBOPEN mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 7069 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/WEMBOPEN July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found WEMBFIRE mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 9592 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/WEMBFIRE July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found WEMBHIT1 mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 5808 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/WEMBHIT1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found DSDVLACT mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 8884 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/DSDVLACT July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found DSDVLDT1 mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 11082 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/DSDVLDT1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found DSDVLDT2 mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 8615 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/DSDVLDT2 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found DSDVLPAI mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 8411 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/DSDVLPAI July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found DSDVLSI1 mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 11771 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/DSDVLSI1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found DSDVLSI2 mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 10384 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/DSDVLSI2 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found DSJUGDI1 mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump dsjugdi1 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 9720 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/DSJUGDI1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found DSJUGDI2 mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump dsjugdi2 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 9764 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/DSJUGDI2 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found DSJUGDI3 mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump dsjugdi3 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 10040 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/DSJUGDI3 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found DSJUGDI4 mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump dsjugdi4 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 9186 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/DSJUGDI4 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found DSJUGDI5 mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump dsjugdi5 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 10069 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/DSJUGDI5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found DSJUGPN1 mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump dsjugpn1 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 5615 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/DSJUGPN1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found DSJUGPN2 mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump dsjugpn2 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 6193 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/DSJUGPN2 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found DSJUGPN3 mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump dsjugpn3 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 6429 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/DSJUGPN3 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found DSJUGPN4 mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump dsjugpn4 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 6822 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/DSJUGPN4 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found DSJUGPN5 mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump dsjugpn5 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 7351 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/DSJUGPN5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found DSJUGPN6 mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump dsjugpn6 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 6991 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/DSJUGPN6 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found DSJUGATK mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump dsjugatk matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 4287 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/DSJUGATK July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found DSJUGSEE mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump dsjugsee matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 13169 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/DSJUGSEE July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found DSJUGSTP mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump dsjugstp matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 4982 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/DSJUGSTP July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found DSJUGTHD mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump dsjugthd matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 6083 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/DSJUGTHD July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found DSJUGHIT mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump dsjughit matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 4354 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/DSJUGHIT July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found WIZ2SIT mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 60394 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/WIZ2SIT July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found WIZ2ACT mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 54667 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/WIZ2ACT July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found WIZ2ATK mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 56776 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/WIZ2ATK July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found WIZ2DTH mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 48055 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/WIZ2DTH July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found WIZ2PAI mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 58875 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/WIZ2PAI July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found AODSCRM mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 7041 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/AODSCRM July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found DSFREXP mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 8408 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/DSFREXP July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔈 Found DSHELLX2 mentioned in SNDINFO - assuming it's a sound July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 8412 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sounds/MAP39/DSHELLX2 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔊 Wrote /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3/SNDINFO.39 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔽 Found starting marker for textures July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote texture /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//textures/MAP39//7THSEAL July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote texture /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//textures/MAP39//ARTINUM July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote texture /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//textures/MAP39//BEKSINS1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote texture /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//textures/MAP39//BEKSINS2 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote texture /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//textures/MAP39//CANDLE July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote texture /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//textures/MAP39//DAVIDN July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote texture /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//textures/MAP39//DMBUNNY July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote texture /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//textures/MAP39//FRIDGE July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote texture /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//textures/MAP39//FUSELI July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote texture /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//textures/MAP39//HUYS July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote texture /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//textures/MAP39//MARTIN July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote texture /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//textures/MAP39//BOSCH01 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote texture /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//textures/MAP39//BOSCH02 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote texture /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//textures/MAP39//BOSCH03 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote texture /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//textures/MAP39//BRUEGEL July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote texture /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//textures/MAP39//DMTRAIN July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote texture /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//textures/MAP39//GIOTTI July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote texture /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//textures/MAP39//RAMPTCKT July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote texture /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//textures/MAP39//RUBENS July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote texture /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//textures/MAP39//SCRABBLE July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote texture /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//textures/MAP39//SHEEKY1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote texture /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//textures/MAP39//SHEEKY2 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote texture /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//textures/MAP39//SHEEKY3 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote texture /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//textures/MAP39//VANEYCK July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote texture /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//textures/MAP39//VIGO July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔼 Found ending marker for textures July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔽 Found starting marker for sprites July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//LORBA0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//LORBB0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//LORBC0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//LORBD0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//LORBE0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//LORBF0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//LORBG0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//LORBH0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//BON5A0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//BON5B0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//BON5C0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//BON5D0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//BONEI0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//BONEJ0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//BONEK0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//BONEL0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//BONEM0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//BONEN0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//BONEO0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//IDEXA0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//IDEXB0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JADEA0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JADEB0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JADEC0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JADED0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JADEE0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JADEF0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JADEG0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JADEH0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JADEI0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//WEMBA0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//WEMBB0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//WEMBC0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//WEMBD0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//WEMBE0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//WEMBF0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//WEMBG0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//WEMPA0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//WEMPB0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//WEMPC0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//WEMPD0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//WEMPE0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//WEMPF0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//WEMPG0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//WEMPH0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//WEMPI0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//WEMPJ0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//DSTFA0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//DSPSA0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//DSPSB0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//DSPSC0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//DSPSD0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//DSPSE0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//DSPSF0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//DSPSG0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//DSPSH0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//DSPSI0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//DSPSJ0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//DFX1K0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//DFX1L0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//DFX1M0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//DFX1N0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//DFX1O0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//DFX1P0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//DFX1Q0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//DFX1R0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//DFX1S0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrr5 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRR5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styra1 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRA1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styra2a8 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRA2A8 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styra3a7 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRA3A7 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styra4a6 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRA4A6 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styra5 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRA5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrb1 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRB1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrb2b8 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRB2B8 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrb3b7 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRB3B7 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrb4b6 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRB4B6 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrb5 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRB5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrc1 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRC1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrc2c8 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRC2C8 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrc3c7 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRC3C7 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrc4c6 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRC4C6 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrc5 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRC5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrd1 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRD1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrd2d8 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRD2D8 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrd3d7 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRD3D7 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrd4d6 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRD4D6 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrd5 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRD5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styre1 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRE1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styre2p8 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRE2P8 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styre3p7 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRE3P7 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styre4p6 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRE4P6 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styre5 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRE5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrf1 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRF1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrf2q8 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRF2Q8 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrf3q7 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRF3Q7 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrf4q6 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRF4Q6 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrf5 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRF5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrg1 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRG1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrg2r8 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRG2R8 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrg3r7 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRG3R7 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrg4r6 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRG4R6 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrg5 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRG5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrh1 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRH1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrh2h8 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRH2H8 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrh3h7 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRH3H7 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrh4h6 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRH4H6 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrh5 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRH5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styri0 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRI0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrj0 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRJ0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrk0 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRK0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrl0 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRL0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrm0 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRM0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrn0 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRN0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styro0 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRO0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrp1 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRP1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrp2e8 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRP2E8 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrp3e7 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRP3E7 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrp4e6 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRP4E6 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrp5 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRP5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrq1 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRQ1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrq2f8 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRQ2F8 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrq3f7 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRQ3F7 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrq4f6 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRQ4F6 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrq5 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRQ5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrr1 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRR1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrr2g8 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRR2G8 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrr3g7 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRR3G7 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump styrr4g6 matches same name from map number 125, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//STYRR4G6 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2A1C1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2A2C8 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2A3C7 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2A4C6 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2A5C5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2A6C4 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2A7C3 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2A8C2 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2B1D1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2B2D8 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2B3D7 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2B4D6 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2B5D5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2B6D4 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2B7D3 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2B8D2 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2E1H1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2E2H8 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2E3H7 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2E4H6 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2E5H5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2E6H4 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2E7H3 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2E8H2 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2F1I1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2F2I8 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2F3I7 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2F4I6 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2F5I5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2F6I4 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2F7I3 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2F8I2 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2G1J1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2G2J8 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2G3J7 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2G4J6 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2G5J5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2G6J4 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2G7J3 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2G8J2 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2K1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2K2 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2K3 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2K4 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2K5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2K6 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2K7 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2K8 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2L0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2M0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2N0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2O0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2P0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2Q0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2R0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2S0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2T0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2U0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2V0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2W0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//TRO2X0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump jugga1 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGA1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump jugga2a8 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGA2A8 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump jugga3a7 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGA3A7 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump jugga4a6 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGA4A6 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump jugga5 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGA5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump juggb1 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGB1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump juggb2b8 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGB2B8 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump juggb3b7 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGB3B7 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump juggb4b6 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGB4B6 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump juggb5 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGB5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump juggc1 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGC1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump juggc2c8 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGC2C8 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump juggc3c7 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGC3C7 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump juggc4c6 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGC4C6 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump juggc5 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGC5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump juggd1 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGD1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump juggd2d8 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGD2D8 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump juggd3d7 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGD3D7 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump juggd4d6 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGD4D6 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump juggd5 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGD5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump jugge0 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGE0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump juggf0 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGF0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump juggg0 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGG0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump juggh0 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGH0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump juggi0 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGI0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump juggj0 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGJ0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump juggk0 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGK0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump juggl0 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGL0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump juggm0 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGM0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump juggn0 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGN0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump juggo0 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGO0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump juggp0 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGP0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⚠ Lump juggq0 matches same name from map number 31, but the data is identical July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//JUGGQ0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPA1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPA2A8 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPA3A7 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPA4A6 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPA5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPB1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPB2B8 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPB3B7 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPB4B6 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPB5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPC1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPC2C8 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPC3C7 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPC4C6 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPC5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPD1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPD2D8 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPD3D7 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPD4D6 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPD5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPE1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPE2E8 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPE3E7 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPE4E6 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPE5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPF0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPG0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPH0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPI0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPJ0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPK0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPL0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//APDPM0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//PROJA1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//PROJA8A2 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//PROJA7A3 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//PROJA6A4 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//PROJA5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//PROJB1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//PROJB8B2 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//PROJB7B3 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//PROJB6B4 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//PROJB5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//PROJC1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//PROJC8C2 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//PROJC7C3 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//PROJC6C4 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//PROJC5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//PROJD0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//PROJE0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//PROJF0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//PROJG0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//PROJH0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote sprite /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//sprites/MAP39//PROJI0 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔼 Found ending marker for sprites July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔽 Found starting marker for music July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote music /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//music/MAP39//PIG2 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote music /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//music/MAP39//THUMP July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote music /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//music/MAP39//UNKNOWN July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote music /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//music/MAP39//USPACE July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 🔼 Found ending marker for music July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Couldn't find brightmap to import, trusting it's already included July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Couldn't find brightmap to import, trusting it's already included July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Couldn't find brightmap to import, trusting it's already included July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Couldn't find brightmap to import, trusting it's already included July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Couldn't find brightmap to import, trusting it's already included July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Couldn't find brightmap to import, trusting it's already included July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Couldn't find brightmap to import, trusting it's already included July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Couldn't find brightmap to import, trusting it's already included July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Couldn't find brightmap to import, trusting it's already included July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Adding brightmap BMAPDPC1 as a graphic July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Adding brightmap BMAPDPC2 as a graphic July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Adding brightmap BMAPDPC3 as a graphic July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Adding brightmap BMAPDPC4 as a graphic July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Adding brightmap BMAPDPC5 as a graphic July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Adding brightmap BMAPDPD1 as a graphic July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Adding brightmap BMAPDPD2 as a graphic July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Adding brightmap BMAPDPD3 as a graphic July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Adding brightmap BMAPDPD4 as a graphic July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Adding brightmap BMAPDPD5 as a graphic July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Adding brightmap BMAPDPE1 as a graphic July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Adding brightmap BMAPDPE2 as a graphic July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Adding brightmap BMAPDPE3 as a graphic July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Adding brightmap BMAPDPF0 as a graphic July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Adding brightmap BMAPDPG0 as a graphic July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Adding brightmap BMAPDPH0 as a graphic July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Adding brightmap BMAPDPI0 as a graphic July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Adding brightmap BMAPDPJ0 as a graphic July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Adding brightmap BMAPDPK0 as a graphic July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Adding brightmap BMAPDPL0 as a graphic July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 💾 Including GLDEFS lump July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 4339 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//GLDEFS.39-1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 💾 Including DECALDEF lump July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 310 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//DECALDEF.39-1 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 📜 Found ZSCRIPT lump, adding it to our script folder July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 12304 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//ZSCRIPT/ZSCRIPT-39-1.txt July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 📜 Found DECORATE lump, adding it to our script folder July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Wrote 5201 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//DECORATE/DECORATE-39-2.txt July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 📜 Found map info MAPINFO lump, parsing it July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Reserving DoomEdNum 18951 = lightningrod July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Reserving DoomEdNum 18952 = wandofembers July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Reserving DoomEdNum 18953 = jadewand July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Reserving DoomEdNum 18954 = painsatyr July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Reserving DoomEdNum 18955 = paindevil July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Reserving DoomEdNum 18956 = painjuggernaut July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Reserving DoomEdNum 18957 = zagreus July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Reserving DoomEdNum 18958 = healthbonus5 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Reserving DoomEdNum 18959 = painimp July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Reserving DoomEdNum 18960 = painlightorb July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 music: "unknown" July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Found custom allowable MAPINFO property music - adding value "unknown" to custom properties array July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 sky1: OSKY18 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 Found custom allowable MAPINFO property sky1 - adding value OSKY18 to custom properties array July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 ⛅ SKY1 property found in MAPINFO: OSKY18 July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 No lump OSKY18 pointed to by SKY1, trusting it's already included July 08 2024 02:51:07 92222 📷 Included RAMPSHOT picture as /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//textures/hub/shots//RSHOT39 July 08 2024 02:51:08 92222 Checking for custom properties for map number 39 July 08 2024 02:51:08 92222 Including custom property sky1 as OSKY18 July 08 2024 02:51:08 92222 Using specific music lump "unknown" for map 39