RAMP 2024 is over! Thank you for OVER THREE HUNDRED maps!

Tangerine Lullaby

July 08 2024 02:15:00 45182 📦 MAP260: Reading source WAD (Tangerine Lullaby) 📦 July 08 2024 02:15:00 45182 PWAD with 16 lumps, and directory at 2460030 RAMPSHOT image 12 28339 README unknown 28351 776 RSKY1 unknown 29127 35080 D_RUNNIN mus 64207 52941 ZMAPINFO mapinfo 117148 73 map01 mapmarker 117221 0 THINGS mapdata 117221 6890 LINEDEFS mapdata 124111 202034 SIDEDEFS mapdata 326145 727830 VERTEXES mapdata 1053975 56264 SEGS mapdata 1110239 321816 SSECTORS mapdata 1432055 35796 NODES mapdata 1467851 250544 SECTORS mapdata 1718395 57356 REJECT mapdata 1775751 608305 BLOCKMAP mapdata 2384056 75974 July 08 2024 02:15:00 45182 Read map lump map01 with size 0 July 08 2024 02:15:00 45182 Read map lump THINGS with size 6890 July 08 2024 02:15:00 45182 Read map lump LINEDEFS with size 202034 July 08 2024 02:15:00 45182 Read map lump SIDEDEFS with size 727830 July 08 2024 02:15:00 45182 Read map lump VERTEXES with size 56264 July 08 2024 02:15:00 45182 Read map lump SEGS with size 321816 July 08 2024 02:15:00 45182 Read map lump SSECTORS with size 35796 July 08 2024 02:15:00 45182 Read map lump NODES with size 250544 July 08 2024 02:15:00 45182 Read map lump SECTORS with size 57356 July 08 2024 02:15:00 45182 Read map lump REJECT with size 608305 July 08 2024 02:15:00 45182 Read map lump BLOCKMAP with size 75974 July 08 2024 02:15:00 45182 🗺 Writing map WAD as /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3/maps/MAP260.WAD July 08 2024 02:15:00 45182 Wrote 2342997 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3/maps/MAP260.WAD July 08 2024 02:15:00 45182 💾 Including README lump July 08 2024 02:15:00 45182 Wrote 776 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//README.260-1 July 08 2024 02:15:00 45182 🎵 Music of type mus found in lump D_RUNNIN with size 52941 July 08 2024 02:15:00 45182 Wrote 52941 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3/music/M_MAP260 July 08 2024 02:15:00 45182 ⛅ RSKY1 default sky lump found with size 35080 - including it July 08 2024 02:15:00 45182 📜 Found map info ZMAPINFO lump, parsing it July 08 2024 02:15:00 45182 music: "d_runnin" July 08 2024 02:15:00 45182 Found custom allowable MAPINFO property music - adding value "d_runnin" to custom properties array July 08 2024 02:15:00 45182 sky1: RSKY1 July 08 2024 02:15:00 45182 Found custom allowable MAPINFO property sky1 - adding value RSKY1 to custom properties array July 08 2024 02:15:00 45182 ⛅ SKY1 property found in MAPINFO: RSKY1 July 08 2024 02:15:00 45182 ⛅ Found lump RSKY1 pointed to by SKY1, including it July 08 2024 02:15:00 45182 📷 Included RAMPSHOT picture as /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//textures/hub/shots//RSHOT260 July 08 2024 02:15:04 45182 Checking for custom properties for map number 260 July 08 2024 02:15:04 45182 Including custom property sky1 as MSKY260 July 08 2024 02:15:04 45182 Using music lump M_MAP260 for map 260