RAMP 2024 is over! Thank you for OVER THREE HUNDRED maps!

Poko's Respite

July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 📦 MAP141: Reading source WAD (Poko's Respite) 📦 July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 PWAD with 31 lumps, and directory at 4823095 MAP01 mapmarker 12 0 THINGS mapdata 12 10000 LINEDEFS mapdata 10012 42288 SIDEDEFS mapdata 52300 144000 VERTEXES mapdata 196300 11752 SEGS mapdata 208052 72444 SSECTORS mapdata 280496 8436 NODES mapdata 288932 59024 SECTORS mapdata 347956 14144 REJECT mapdata 362100 0 BLOCKMAP mapdata 362100 15490 BEHAVIOR mapdata 377590 1416 SCRIPTS mapdata 379006 2064 FFSTART marker 381070 0 F_END marker 381070 0 TEXTURES textures 381070 824 P_START marker 381894 0 POKO_NB1 image 381894 448294 POKOROL1 image 830188 747511 POKOROL2 image 1577699 881503 POKOSUN1 image 2459202 552250 POKOTIGR image 3011452 416157 RAMP_POS image 3427609 558934 RAMPLOOM image 3986543 302637 PRIDFLAG image 4289180 44426 P_END marker 4333606 0 MS_START marker 4333606 0 SOADLONE midi 4333606 21352 MS_END marker 4354958 0 RAMPSHOT image 4354958 468068 MAPINFO mapinfo 4823026 69 July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Read map lump MAP01 with size 0 July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Read map lump THINGS with size 10000 July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Read map lump LINEDEFS with size 42288 July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Read map lump SIDEDEFS with size 144000 July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Read map lump VERTEXES with size 11752 July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Read map lump SEGS with size 72444 July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Read map lump SSECTORS with size 8436 July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Read map lump NODES with size 59024 July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Read map lump SECTORS with size 14144 July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Read map lump REJECT with size 0 July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Read map lump BLOCKMAP with size 15490 July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Read map lump BEHAVIOR with size 1416 July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Read map lump SCRIPTS with size 2064 July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Finished reading map lumps July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 🗺 Writing map WAD as /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3/maps/MAP141.WAD July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Wrote 381278 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3/maps/MAP141.WAD July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 🔽 Found starting marker for patches July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Wrote patch /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//patches/MAP141//POKO_NB1 July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Wrote patch /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//patches/MAP141//POKOROL1 July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Wrote patch /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//patches/MAP141//POKOROL2 July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Wrote patch /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//patches/MAP141//POKOSUN1 July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Wrote patch /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//patches/MAP141//POKOTIGR July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Wrote patch /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//patches/MAP141//RAMP_POS July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Wrote patch /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//patches/MAP141//RAMPLOOM July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Wrote patch /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//patches/MAP141//PRIDFLAG July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 🔼 Found ending marker for patches July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 🔽 Found starting marker for music July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Wrote music /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//music/MAP141//SOADLONE July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 🔼 Found ending marker for music July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Found texture definition for poko_nb1 July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Found texture definition for pokorol1 July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Found texture definition for pokorol2 July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Found texture definition for pokosun1 July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Found texture definition for pokotigr July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Found texture definition for ramp_pos July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Found texture definition for ramploom July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Found texture definition for pridflag July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 💾 Including TEXTURES lump July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Wrote 824 bytes to /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//TEXTURES.141-1 July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 📜 Found map info MAPINFO lump, parsing it July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 music: "d_shawn" July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Found custom allowable MAPINFO property music - adding value "d_shawn" to custom properties array July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 sky1: SKY1 July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 Found custom allowable MAPINFO property sky1 - adding value SKY1 to custom properties array July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 ⛅ SKY1 property found in MAPINFO: SKY1 July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 No lump SKY1 pointed to by SKY1, trusting it's already included July 08 2024 02:51:06 92222 📷 Included RAMPSHOT picture as /media/web/doomprojects/ramp2024/work/pk3//textures/hub/shots//RSHOT141 July 08 2024 02:51:08 92222 Checking for custom properties for map number 141 July 08 2024 02:51:08 92222 Including custom property sky1 as SKY1 July 08 2024 02:51:08 92222 Using specific music lump "d_shawn" for map 141